Tuesday, November 24, 2015


I came across this photo and thought, wow!

Sometimes its hard to think about this when we work.
I don't always think about this when I am clean up the same toys I had just picked up 2 hours ago.
I have 2 toddlers in the house and boy, can they make your house look the a tornado hit it in about 10 minutes.
I try and just pick up a little throughout the day...

My husband works in the evening and I want the house to look clean when he gets home. So around 7:30 or so. we get everything put back before he gets home. With all the kids and myself getting to work, we have everything put back and cleaned up in about 25 to 30 minutes. It's team work!

But someday, I will miss the tornado that hits my house each day!


  1. Such a good reminder Ashley!
    When I fold laundry, I pray for each of the boys and when I clean I thank the Lord for a house to clean..... and there's always praise music on! We are all so blessed, we might as well thank Him in the process!
    I always make sure our home is picked up and clean for when my hubby gets home. And yes with boys in the house it can get a bit messy too! I've always loved that saying....Please excuse the mess, my children are making memories! One day we will miss those little messes and small hand prints everywhere ♡
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hugs, Amy

  2. Such a good reminder Ashley!
    When I fold laundry, I pray for each of the boys and when I clean I thank the Lord for a house to clean..... and there's always praise music on! We are all so blessed, we might as well thank Him in the process!
    I always make sure our home is picked up and clean for when my hubby gets home. And yes with boys in the house it can get a bit messy too! I've always loved that saying....Please excuse the mess, my children are making memories! One day we will miss those little messes and small hand prints everywhere ♡
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hugs, Amy

  3. Hello, I have heard a similar quote years ago and it is so very true. I love having my house clean and tidy, but I would love to have a house with toys and cheerios on the floor any day!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!
    Hugs, Roxy


Drowning in Boxes

 I am drowning in Boxes! I saw this photo and thought to myself yes this is how I feel.  We are officially now on the count down ...