Tuesday, November 24, 2015


I came across this photo and thought, wow!

Sometimes its hard to think about this when we work.
I don't always think about this when I am clean up the same toys I had just picked up 2 hours ago.
I have 2 toddlers in the house and boy, can they make your house look the a tornado hit it in about 10 minutes.
I try and just pick up a little throughout the day...

My husband works in the evening and I want the house to look clean when he gets home. So around 7:30 or so. we get everything put back before he gets home. With all the kids and myself getting to work, we have everything put back and cleaned up in about 25 to 30 minutes. It's team work!

But someday, I will miss the tornado that hits my house each day!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Starbucks Coffee

 I love my coffee! You can ask anyone and they will tell you how much I love coffee. My favorite thing in the morning is to have a big cup of coffee while I do my bible study and pray. My point in telling you why I love coffee, is this. There is a debate over Starbucks coffee going on right now. We don't have cable, but we do have internet, so I see everything about this debate over coffee.

I loved my eggnog lattes that Starbucks had. I waited all year long for them to come out, usually around Thanksgiving time, and I would drink those like crazy.
 But as we began our new walk with Yeshua, I began to look over the commandments, and I wanted to get rid of anything that was not honoring him. As I read the first and second commandments, it says,
3 "You shall have no other gods before me."
“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Yahuwah your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments! Exodus 20:3-6

As I ordered my eggnog latte and began to drink it, looking down at the Ishtar Goddess I began to think. Wow, I am drinking a cup of coffee that has a Pagan Goddess on there front cover. Is this following his commandments? I believe that drinking from something that has a Pagan god on it or anything else that they sell should make us run the other way not debate what color the cups should be.
 I try and follow his commandments each day. How can I follow his commandment and read his word and pray in the morning as I am drinking my coffee that has a pagan god on it? 

Ishtar Goddess
Ishtar was the goddess of love, war, fertility, and sexuality.
Ishtar was the daughter of Anu.[2] She was particularly worshipped in northern Mesopotamia, at the Assyrian cities of Nineveh, Ashur and Arbela (Erbil).[2]
Besides the lions on her gate, her symbol is an eight-pointed star.[3]

I could no longer drink or support Starbucks. If I was truly trying to follow Yahuwah, how could I?  I had to go through many of my things and get rid of anything that had to do with Starbucks. Which included my husband favorite coffee cup and many pounds of coffee. I feel so much better knowing that when I am sitting down talking and reading his word and drinking my coffee that I am not making him jealous. I want to be pleasing to my Yahuwa that saved me!
 I have since learned to make an amazing eggnog latte!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Friendship With The World

~ Halloween is only two days away, but it's not too late to remove yourself from something that is detestable to Yahuwah~

Halloween is always a hard subject to talk about. Growing up we were not allowed to take part in the festivities. After I got married and had children, we decided to allow our children to celebrate the holiday. If the church and the pastor and his family were celebrating, then why shouldn't we?  That was my excuse. As long as our children don’t dress in anything that’s evil, right?  There is nothing wrong with letting them dress as an angel or firefighter. They look so cute! This is what I told myself as we walked around, as long as we are to be the light to the world. 
But I was so wrong!  No one could tell that we were the light. I needed to stop fooling myself. We were in the world plain and simple! As I drew closer to Yahuwah and began to better understand his word and his commandments, I began to feel very convicted about how I had allowed my kids to take part in this event.

  • Yahuwah is a gift of life! But Halloween only focuses on death. Should we take part in celebrating a holiday where people only celebrate death? They love to decorate their homes and their front yards with death!

  • The Scriptures tell us to put away deeds of darkness (Rom.13:12) and that light has nothing in common with darkness (2 Cor. 6:14). So is celebrating a dark holiday like Halloween something a child of light should be taking a part in?

  • Witchcraft is detestable to Yahuwah (Deut 18:10-13). Shouldn't something that glorifies witchcraft be detestable to me too?

  • Halloween is a sacred holiday for Wiccans, the official religion of witchcraft. So, we are saying we want to celebrate alongside the Wiccans?

  • What if my child dresses in something wholesome, like a fire fighter costume. But remember Romans 16:19 says, "But I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil." If we allow our children to take part in Halloween, we are sending them a mixed message.

  • Yahuwah says in 2 Cor. 6:17, "Come out from them and be separate, touch no unclean thing." Yahuwah wants His children to be set apart from the world. Not in the world!

Drowning in Boxes

 I am drowning in Boxes! I saw this photo and thought to myself yes this is how I feel.  We are officially now on the count down ...