Thursday, September 17, 2015

Trying Something New

~~~ Cloth Diapers ~~~
I had so many friends tell me when I was pregnant with our 4th child that I should try cloth diapers.  But I was like that's too much work. I also thought it was going to be gross.  I  asked my husband and he said we should just use disposal diapers. So there was no more talk about that... Fast forward now 2 years later and I am Pregnant again with our 5th child. Once again we talked and we both came up with the same things as last time.  What's the use of cloth diapers when we can use modern diapers.
So every time I went to the store I would buy a pack of diapers. It was not a big deal only buying one pack at a time. But the more I thought about it the more I was surprised at how much each pack is costing us. 
When my 5th child turned 10 months old I started to think why not try cloth diapers. I have a friend who works full time and she does cloth diapers. So why can't someone who is blessed to be able stay home not try to use cloth diapers. So I started looking into it. I was quite surprised about it. Getting started was only going to cost us $250. And the best part is you get to reuse them over and over again. And if we are ever blessed with any more children, then we are all set. I loved the thought you only have to spend that money once. And who is not up for saving some money! I am, so sign me up!!
So here is the 1st package I bought!
I ended up buying 3 more packs so altogether I have 48 cloth Diapers. 
 Here are some of the cute patterns I bought!! 
 There are so many patterns to choose from
I was quite overwhelmed with how many to buy and what patterned to buy.
I wanted them ALL! Lol
But I was trying to save money not spend it.
 But I could see how many women can get addicted to buying diapers..

I love walking into my laundry room
Seeing these cute diapers hanging up!

Here is where I store them.

Now how cute is this little bottom!


  1. Well, What a difference of color and style to pick from now days. I am so glad you are at least giving it a whirl. I am sure she looks just sweet and comfy as ever@ Hugs, Mom

    1. I am very surprised on how much I love using them!

  2. I have a lot of friends that use these and they say they are the absolute best! I'm so glad you at least tried them. And what a saving from not buying disposable diapers!! The colors and patterns...oh my! Now just one question...if you do end up getting pregnant again and you have a boy...will he wear all those girlie diapers?? Haha!
    That little girl is so fashionable!!!
    Hugs, Amy

    1. Lol Amy, I tried to buy most of them so either could wear them. But I think I will have to pick up a few more pack of boys if we have another baby. Yes she is my fashion girl!


Drowning in Boxes

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